Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Convo Mag Down Payment


Batchmates, please take note of the following :

The collection of the downpayment for the magazine will be made on

Date : Monday, 23rd of April
Time : 10.30 - 11.30 AM
Location : A booth will be set up in front of the IMU LIBRARY (where the PROM booth was previously)

Things to note :
The tentative cost price per magazine is RM80+. We are confident in procuring sponsorship of at least RM30 per magazine, therefore we are collecting the sum RM50 from all of you.

If all goes well that will be all you have to pay.

If all goes very well (ie. we procure more sponsorships), the remainder of the RM50 will be returned to each of you upon collection of your magazine.

Note: DT110, we will be collecting your money separately.


The exact date has yet to be confirmed, but it should be ready for collection sometime around the release of EOS 5 results, or on the actual day itself.

Please co-operate and pay up to Eric to avoid mishaps. For those who do not wish to buy the magazine, please inform Eric or Me directly latest by Monday.

Please keep your receipt as you will need it for your magazine collection.

Thank you,

Yong Ming

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