Saturday, July 7, 2012

Convocation Magazine Collection

Hey guys, the convo mag is ready for collection. Please come on either day to collect your copy.

Option 1
Date: 11th July 2012 (Wednesday)
Time: 3.00pm - 4.00pm 
Place: Meeting Room, Student Lounge, LG

Option 2
Date: 18th July 2012 (Wednesday) 
Time: 3.00pm - 4.00pm
Place: Meeting Room, Student Lounge, LG

Those transferring to Seremban Clinical School can also choose to collect in September, when Semester 6 starts.

Try bringing your receipts when collecting your copy, as it will help speed up distribution. 

Please note that if you are collecting on someone's behalf, please either provide an authorization letter or receipt (letter is preferable). Please print the letter out. We will not distribute to an unauthorized person. 

Dental students transferring to PDS can collect their copies from Jonathan Ng. Dental students who have transferred to Otago, your copies will be placed at Crystal Chow's place.

The cost of each book is RM82 (exceeded our initial estimated cost), therefore there will be no reimbursement. 

Thanks so much, and sorry for the delay.

Convo Mag Committee

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