Monday, March 14, 2011


Hello, been a while since i have posted here.. but yea, i wished i didnt have to lol..

First the more important news,
The 'Haemostasis' lecture on the 22th March is chged to this Friday 2.45pm (18th March)..
[There have been suggestions to make Friday totally free, but i have been getting unconfirmed news that our feedback session for our Summative will be on Friday 8am, so if there are any chges/updates, i'll let u guys know..]

Regarding the electives, we r to leave our application in the cupboard by the side of the phone. Anyone with any issues are to look for Ms Rozlin (nt Ms Imelda). However Ms Rozlin is away until Thursday, so if u really do have any uncertainties, i guess looking for Dr Tan might be a better idea for now.

Also, i just wana apologise on behalf of Alicia and myself to everyone who were there this morning enduring Dr JP's 'batch rep' moment..
i have seen him afterwards and kinda sorted the things out.. (hopefully)..
i guess i owe u guys a reason too. i was actually training wif the other guys for the basketball match tonite (and guess wad, WE WON xD)
regarding JP's comment of chging the batch reps, personally i m fine with it..
Seriusly if u guys thk we (anyone of us) isnt doing a good job, feel free to come forward, n if thgs still arent improving, we'll be happy to step down (at least i m)..

Lastly, heres a copy of an email i got from AAD regarding the blood bank issue:

Dear CK,

Please inform students that the following group will be going to the Blood Bank as scheduled:

i) Group 4 : 22 Mar 2011; 9.00 – 11.00am

ii) Group 6 : 29 Mar 2011; 9.00 – 11.00am

All the other groups’ visits will be postponed to another date & be confirmed ASAP.

My apologies for the inconvenience caused. Kindly, blog it.

Thank you.

From what i heard, the blood bank cancelled us last minute today. The matter have been forwarded to JPJ n Prof Victor Lim n is being handled. Well just try nt to b too mad wif AAD lol..

Tats all for now, thanks for reading =)

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