Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April Fools!!!

First of all, plz disregard wat Dr Srikumar said lol..
it was sort of a last min thg we decided to pull on u guys..
i know its wasnt perfect n all, bt hope u guys like it hahaha..
special thanks to Dr Srikumar too for agreeing to do it on such short notice =)

now to the actual electives update,
Ms Rozlin is on leave today. (so is Ms Imelda)..
It seems we r doing it the way we were briefed again..
'Individual Letters' (as in those heading to the hospitals alone with no one else applying for the same hospital) are ready for collection.
Look for Ms Nur Ain to get your letters..
However 'Group Letters' are not ready yet, it will probly be ready by Monday. Hopefully..
Also, the news on 'lost applications' is false.
Thats all..

Sorry and Thanks~

Have a nice day xD

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