Thursday, April 7, 2011

High Tech Q&A session

Hi guys Vik here.
For the q&a session, we are going to try something which has never ever been done before in IMU's history (no kidding).
Dr. Srikumar wants to use the whiteboard to conduct the q&a session and he told me to record it with my iphone( as the size wll be smaller) and then post it to you guys. But then we thought the it will be quite hard for students sitting in the back row to see the board.
And so we came up with a solution. LIVE STREAMING!!!
I found this great app and it allows me to stream with a very slight delay (and its free too!!!)
And so we've decided to try it out.
And in your part, try to bring a laptop tomorrow.
Just click on this url and you will get the live streaming:

Bear in mind that this is still in pilot stage and there are always chances it may not work. But we want to be positive and see how it turns out.

Lets keep our hands crossed ;)
Vik ;)

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