Thursday, August 26, 2010

Notice from the SRC: Addressing your Issues / Open Letter

Dear students,

We're working towards a solution. I need you guys to be a little more patient. We are in the first phase of executing this plan. I want all of you to know this: Just because we "lose" a case, it doesn't mean we neglect your voice. All I'm asking is for graciousness in defeat; in hearing bad news, and kindness in addressing your issues with the faculty. Let's not bash.

I'll address a couple of things first before we give you SRC's proposed plan.

If any of you still want a petition, we can help you start. However, we spoke to faculty and the consensus is that they are more concerned with what you have to say, rather than how many of you have to say it. This is why we chose not to start a petition. Again, if you still want one, let us know and we’ll be happy to help.

To that end, as I mentioned in my previous post, if we cannot have students and faculty agree, we were thinking of bringing back the old concept of an open forum.

I apologize to all of you who feel that we are not working fast enough, but these things take time. It can't possibly be solved in a day, even after the meeting, and I humbly ask you to understand. Schedules need to be worked out, and so on and so forth.

Now - what is the plan? Our plan is simple, and will move in two phases.

Phase I - We compile an open letter to the faculty. ALL students are welcome to air their problems in a respectful manner. I cannot stress again how important it is to be gracious. Please write your letters, on a single sheet of paper, addressed to the faculty. Pass it to us at the SRC office. There will be a box available for collection.

Here's what you'll need:

ID no.
Preferred date for Open Forum (explained later)

Don't be afraid to speak up. You have every right to do so. It's your university too! We will keep all your views completely confidential. We will, respectfully, not submit letters that contain profanity or derogatory remarks.

Phase II - Once we have all the letters from you guys, we will compile it into one big Open Letter, that we will give to the faculty three days before the proposed date of the Open Forum.

Here are the dates we have for the Open Forum:

6th September, Monday 12-2pm
7th September, Tuesday, 12-2pm
8th September, Wednesday, 12-2pm

Please indicate your preferred date in your letter. We will try our best to pick a day that suits all of you, and when most of you can make it.

Then, on the day selected, you will have your chance to air your views, directly to faculty members and management alike.

Thank you for your patience so far. I urge you all to speak up, and give us your support, because we need you guys behind us when we organize this.

Please don't misunderstand where we come from - we won't abandon you. It just takes a little time. And when the time comes, I really hope we will all speak calmly, confidently and with the wisdom to know that we speak with integrity!

That we did it the RIGHT way above all.

Do send us your letters,

Your issues are always in our hearts and minds,

Yours faithfully,

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